This document provides the details of the configuration elements.
Reference Framework 2.0 runs against Nexaweb Platform 4.5.33 or higher.
An element containing the list of components (e.g. MCOs, Macros, datasources or any element from any namespace) to be loaded for global use.
A shortcut represents key sequence, command to execute and role/roles that dictate if this shortcut is available to the user.
Specifies the key sequence for this shortcut. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the event handler to execute for the this menu item. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the role or roles that dictate if this shortcut is available to the user. This attribute is optional.
Configure the page to be used as the home page.
Configure the page to be used as the home page.
Files can be configured for preload. The number of preloaded files does not have to match the size of the cache. If the size of the cache is greater than the number of preloads, then other files opened can occupby the slots.
Specifies the name of the page to use as the homepage. This attribute is optional.
Specifies Specifies the role or roles assigned to this homepage. This page will be used as the homepage if security is enabled and the user's roles match the roles assgined to this homepage definition. This attribute is optional, when omitted, all roles can access the page.
Caching has been added to the reference framework.
NOTE : Use of the cache in Reference Framework requires version 4.5.40 or higher.
If the number of files to be cached exceeds the size of the cache, then least recently used file will be rmoved from the cache.
Files can be configured for preload. The number of preloaded files does not have to match the size of the cache. If the size of the cache is greater than
the number of preloads, then other files opened can occupby the slots.
The cacheSlot tag is optional. If not files need to be preloaded, then they can be omitted.
The KeepInCache attribute of the cacheSlot tag can keep a file from being removed from cache, when the number of files being cached exceed the cache size.
Setting this attribute to true, will keep the file in this cache slot from being removed from the cache. If the attribute is not set, the value is set to false,
and the file in this cache slot can be removed from cache.
If the numbe of cache slots with keepInCache, matches or exceeds the size of the cache, then no new cache slots can be created. If the number of preload cache slots
with keep alive, exceed the size of the cache, then the files associated with the cache slots that do not get created will not be preloaded.
The encoding tag is optional. The default value is object.
The encodeRequest tag provides a way to configure whether or not to encode the request data. This is an optional tag. The default value is true.
The encodeResponse tag provides a way to configure whether or not to encode the response object being returned from the server. This is an optional tag. The default value is true.
<menuGroups> <menuGroup name="application" text=""> <item image="/images/menu_logout.png" name="logoutMenu" onCommand="SecurityManager.logout()" text="Log Out" tooltip="log out"/> </menuGroup> </menuGroups>
A menu item in the menu list.
Specifies the source of an image to be displayed in the menu item. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the name used to identify the menu item. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the event handler to execute for the this menu item. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the role or roles that dictate if this item is enabled. This attribute is optional. See more at
Specifies the role or roles that dictate if this item is visible to the user. This attribute is optional. See more at
Specifies the text to be displayed in the menu item. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the text to be displayed in the tooltip for the menu item. This attribute is optional.
<commandbar> <button image="/images/bar_cancel.png" name="commandBar.bbClose" onCommand="PageManager.closePage()" tooltip="Close"/> <button image="/images/menu_refresh.png" name="commandBar.bbRefresh" role="ROLE_USER" tooltip="Refresh"/> <button image="/images/bar_print.png" name="commandBar.bbPrint" tooltip="Print"/> </commandbar>
A button item in the command bar.
Specifies the source of an image to be displayed for this button. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the name used to identify the button. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the event handler to execute for the this button. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the role or roles that dictate if this item is enabled. This attribute is optional. See more at
Specifies the role or roles that dictate if this item is visible to the user. This attribute is optional. See more at
Specifies the text to be displayed in the tooltip for the button. This attribute is optional.
<statusPanels> <statusPanel horizontalAlignment="left" image="" name="statusBar.bar1" text="Hello, everybody!" width="80%"/> <statusPanel image="" name="statusBar.bar2" text="Ready" width="19%"/> </statusPanels>
The panel(s) display the status info of the application
Specifies the source of an image to be displayed for status panel. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the name used to identify status panel. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the alignment to be used to display the text within the status panel. This attribute is optional.
The width of the status panel in pixels. For components managed by an active layout manager, setting this value will act as the preferred width.
<appEvents> <onAppInit>mco:sampleMco.onAppInit()</onAppInit> <onAppStartup>mco:sampleMco.onAppStartup()</onAppStartup> </appEvents>