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Oracle announced that the Java Applet and Web Start functionality, including the Applet API, Java plug-in, Java Applet Viewer, JNLP and Java Web Start including the javaws tools are all deprecated in JDK 9 and will be removed in a future release. As an alternative, our customers are recommended to use the Nexaweb Launcher to deploy and  run Nexaweb web applications. 

This step-by-step guide shows how to perform the migration of Nexaweb application to Nexaweb launcher.

  1. Nexaweb Launcher is based on an open source project GetDown. For information on GetDown project, please refer to: GetDown
  2. For more information on Nexaweb Launcher, please refer to: Nexaweb Launcher
  3. For more information on Nexaweb Standalone Client, please refer to: Standalone Client



You can find the installers at the Nexaweb download page

Step-by-step guide

To deploy a Nexaweb application using Nexaweb Launcher, the recommended approach is to use the Nexaweb Standalone Client. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a run.nexaweb file for launching Nexaweb web application

    The way to create Nexaweb web application is by using a run.nexaweb (Nexaweb Launching Protocol) file deployed on the server. When the user types the URL of a Nexaweb file in the browser, the application will detect that the response is a Nexaweb file and it will start Nexaweb  launcher to load the Web Start application according to the setting in the Nexaweb file. So a Nexaweb file needs to be created for the Nexaweb application.

    1. Download the latest version of Nexaweb Platform ( or later) and install it on the server
    2. Download and install Nexaweb Launcher on the client machine.
    3. Create a new Nexaweb application project
    4. Copy NexawebImages.jar,  NexawebStandaloneClient.jar,  and all other jars to WebContent directory as below:


 a. Start the server which was configured for the Nexaweb project
 b. Double click run.nexaweb in the target folder to launch the Nexaweb web application        


1.Enable Console for debugging 

Prerequisites: the JVM's version must be greater than 1.6 


  1. Open the app directory. It is in  %systemdrive%%homepath%/.nexaweb_<Server>_<Port>_<Application>_ . Note: the dots(.) in the server and application are replaced with underbar(_) . For example the app directory: C:\Users\xuchen\.nexaweb\nxwb127_0_0_1_8080_myPrj4_ , where 127_0_0_1_ is the server replaced . with _ , 8080 is port, and myPrj4 is application name 
  2. Create a  file debug.txt on it
  3. Relaunch the nexaweb web application, and the console.log will be created to catch all standard outputs   

2. Custom JVM installation and upgrade


  1. Create a custom JVM jar file with name java_windows.jar. It is just a zip file of the jre with the extension jar 
  2. Change runNexaweb.jsp as the screenshot below shows

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   3. Follow the same instructions Step-by-step guide→ Digest the jars and create digest.txt and digest2.txt and upload them to the nexaweb application.  The digester's directory's structure looks like below

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And the final web content directory's structure looks like the screenshot below:

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Note: The nexaweb launcher uses digested code of the custom JVM to check if it needs to update the custom JVM from the Web. It means that it does not check the custom JVM version in the web. As of results, whenever there are changes for the custom JVM, it must be re-digested and redployed to the web server with all the digest files generated in order to automatically deploy it to the user's machines.

JDK 9 Release Notes Deprecated APIs, Features, and Options
