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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Validator Tag ElementDescription
Opening tag of a validator chain.
id=“ ”Specifies a unique ID for this validator chain.
onSuccess=“ ”

Specifies the MCO or Macro to run - for example, to display a success message - upon successful completion of all of the validators in the chain.

onFailure=“ ”

Specifies the MCO or Marco to run - for example, to display a failed message - upon failure of any validator in the chain.

failFast=Specifies whether to stop execution of the chain upon failure of any validator within the chain. Set this attribute to change from default only. Default=true. If set to false, validator chain continues to execute until all validators within the chain execute no matter the result of any single validator in the chain.
<validator:Validator />  or <validator<validator:validatorReference  validatorReference  />Specifies each validator or reference to a validator to include in the chain.
</validator:validatorChain>  validatorChain>  Closing tag of a validator chain.


Validator Tag ElementDescription
Opening tag of for validator reference.
validator=“ ”Specifies ID of  validator declared in this UI file.