Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


The new Nexaweb Reference Framework release has several improvements over the previous version including page caching for improved performance and many important bug fixes. 


The cache is configured as part of the Reference Framework configuration file
nexaweb-reference-framework.xml.   The following is an example cache configuration

Code Block
     <xalCache cacheSize="5">
    <cacheSlot path="/XAL/include/IncludeTest.xal" keepInCache=”true”/>
 <cacheSlot path="/XAL/include/Frag1.xal"/>

The xalCache tag is required for configuring the cache.  If the tag does
not exist in the configuration file, then the cache will not be configured.


10896showPopupMenu does not set focus on menu window by default if called using UIManager
10890loadPage does not set the page which is already loaded to active
10882Remove depricated AccessKey attribute from RF samples.
10881Pages Fail to load when pageStyle is sdi
10877Shortcut key on dialog not fired correctly when it is first loaded
10874onPageDeactivated and OnPageClosed don't get fired on page if page is a Dialog and you close the page by clicking close button in title bar
10875Shortcut on Dialog page still fired after page is closed using the close button
10860Window attributes, such as showTitleBar and titleBarColor defined on pageDefiniton not appied to dialog when opened
10862Unable to get window as element after page is loaded as window (QTV-672465)
10856Page as Dialog does not fire onPageLoaded and the onPageActivated events (XGR-207158)
10857Page Level short cut key does not get fired on page as dialog (XGR-207158)
10853 XPathFactory.createXPath has an effect on performance of component creation (KGP-179897)
10850Passwords with + in them are not working with Nexaweb security (PJI-189939)
10849Global status resets when a page is closed(RGK-860607)
10787RF:Multi byte character string is not correctly displayed.


If they have modified the stylesheet, and want to support Japanese characters, they
must go into the stylesheet and make the change by hand.

Look for

Code Block
     <style applyTo="rootPane">
      <normal borderColor="#FFFFFF" borderWidth="0px" fontFamily="Verdana" fontSize="10"/>

And change  
to be
    fontFamily="Arial Unicode MS,Arial,sans-serif"
