NFC では、この動作をサポートするイベントのデフォルトのハンドラをキャンセルする機能が 4.2.4
BeforeActiveLostEvent - com.nexaweb.nfc.events | onBeforeActiveLost onBeforeActiveLost |
KeyEvent - com.nexaweb.nfc.events | onKeyUp, onKeyDown, onKeyChar onKeyUp、onKeyDown、onKeyChar |
TreeTableSortEvent - com.nexaweb.nfc.events | onSort onSort |
Id | Description |
CancelableEvent - com.nexaweb.nfc.events | onMinimizing, onMaximizing, onRestoring |
New attribute textSelectionPolicy
This attribute determines how selected text is drawn when the text component is not focused. It has two values, “always” and “focused”. The default is “focused”.
Defects Resolved
onMinimizing、onMaximizing、onRestoring |
新しい属性 textSelectionPolicy
この属性によって、テキストコンポーネントがフォーカスされていない場合の選択テキストの描画方法が決定されます。2 つの値 "always" および "focused" があります。デフォルトは "focused" です。
ID | 説明 |
5887 | 712-2513597 - comboBox commit happens between the onBeforeActiveLost and onCommand eventsのコミットが onBeforeActiveLost イベントと onCommand イベントの間に行われる。 |
5884 | 712-2508348 - printElement javaDocs incompletejavaDoc が不完全。 |
5927 | 712-2558034 - using onBeforeActiveLost listener via NFCNFC を介した onBeforeActiveLost リスナの使用。 |
5851 | 712-2423401 Setting the - <exception-handler> tag to empty does not prevent error dialogタグを空に設定しても、エラーダイアログボックスが回避されない。 |
5951 | 712-2567544 - onContextMenu() is not being fired for a chart widgetがチャートウィジェットに対して発生しない。 |
5889 | 開く際に comboBox で Shift + Tab in a comboBox when open transfers focus from the listBox to the textFieldを押すと、フォーカスが listBox から textField に移動する。 |
5912 TextArea | , selectedStyle overwrites unchanged styles textArea で、変更されないスタイルが selectedStyle によって上書きされる。 |
5913 | TextArea ... update DOM with rich text marking changes |
5918 | textField raises exception in validation situation |
5956 | 712-2572725 Japanese characters within Loading Screen |
5996 | Selection of underline rich text does not always draw the underline |
5997 | Add textSelectionPolicy attribute |
5998 | Undo/Redo with rich text loses style |
5999 | Undo/redo of setSelectedStyle does not work |
5845 | 712-2445340 The position of vertical scroll bar when add a new row to table by Macro/MCO |
5894 | 712-2518904 "selected" attribute of the <listItem/> in a <comboBox/> |
5906 | 712-2521236 Focus movement starts from a selected position by keyboard in a table |
5937 | 712-2560450 onActiveLost event doesn't file when mouse clicks on a cell with CDATA type |
6150 | 712-2718277 - Cannot tab out of textField/editable comboBox after modalAlert has fired |
Special Notes
The "text" and "value" attributes of a comboBox component will reflect whatever the text onscreen is. For example, if you open the list box and use the keyboard to navigate between list items, the "text" and "value" of the combo box will reflect the highlighted list item. If you click away or hit the Escape key, the old text/value will be rolled back too.
Shift+Tab now moves focus to previous UI component.
Scroll bars in tables now work as follows: if a row is selected, the table will stay scrolled to that row unless the user/developer changes the scrolling of the table, either by using the scrollbars manually or by setting the scroll position via XML. If the scroll position is changed in that way, the table will remain scrolled to the position specified until the user/developer changes the scrolling again or until a new row is selected. In addition, when a new selected row is appended to the table, the table will now scroll to that selected row instead of to just above that selected row.
textArea - リッチテキストのマーキングの変更で DOM が更新された。 |