
The new Nexaweb Studio 6.1 has several improvements over previous versions. Major components have been upgraded to recent versions.

Support and fixes related to Java 8 and TomCat 8 are included in this release.  Please note that TomCat 7 with JDK1.8  (on windows 8) may have an issue with jsp.

See:  htttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/19243458/tomcat7-not-compiling-jsp-examples.  

Suggestion: use TomCat8 in studio if you compile with JDK 8.


Upgrades - The following components have been upgraded:



Defects Resolved

NXPSR-11116The shortcut key of Visual Editor is not effective.  (Focus issue)
NXPSR-10998The list of properties in the properties editor differs from schema 

"Xerces s4s-elt-invalid-content" error occurs after adding 'highlighted' attribute