This section serves to clarify key support policies. Please mail your support department if you have any questions, please refer to your support contract for more details.
Maintenance Release (MR) Process
Nexaweb provides regular maintenance releases, please refer to the MR schedule page for exact targets. The goal of these releases is to address issues that arise in the course of a development cycle.
NXML Support
Nexaweb recognizes the importance of maintaining backwards compatibility. To this end, NXML and NFC will be supported indefinitely within Nexaweb Platform. The development tools support NXML up to at least Nexaweb Studio version 4.0.x. Future versions of Nexaweb Studio will be focused on XAL support.
How long are versions supported?
Versions are supported, on the latest MR, for new development 18 months after they are deprecated - which means 18 months after a new version is released. For example 4.5 was officially released in December of 2006; 4.2, the most recent version, was supported until June of 2007 - 18 months from the release of Platform 4.5.
Production support will be provided for as long as a support contract is maintained. This support will be limited to issues that arise in production for applications that are in maintenance mode rather than new development; support will be provided for the most recent versions of the software and hardware platforms that were supported at the time of release.