Requires Platform 4.5+
Accessing SQL Data Sources
Nexaweb 4.5 provides an SQL (Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)) data service that allows you to connect your application to a database and to:
- Populate and modify data in the client UI from the database
- Populate and modify data in the database from the client UI
In order to use the SQL data service, you need to:
- Add the data service plug-in to the client application
- Create connections in the nexaweb-sql.xml file, on the server, to:
- Specific external databases
- A connection pool
- Define SQL statements:
- In the nexaweb-sql.xml, file to reference in dataRequestDefinitions
- Directly in dataRequestDefinitions in the nexaweb-data.xml file
- In embedded serviceRequests in the client UI file
Configuring the SQL Data Service
The SQL data service configuration file, nexaweb-sql.xml, contains the following sections:
Configuration Section | Description |
connectionDefinitions | Defines connections over which client applications can execute sql data service requests to external data. |
dataSourceConnectionDefinition | Defines a J2EE DataSource from which clients can obtain connections. A J2EE DataSource allows applications to leverage native driver connection pooling available through the JDBC optional javax.sql package. |
statementDefinitions | Lists sql statement types defined on the server that your application can use by reference to access external data. Note: You can also specify sql statement types in the client UI within an embeddedServiceRequest. |
statementHandlerDefinitions | Lists the defined statement handlers that you can use with any sql statements to transform data results when the statement executes. |
Defining Connections
You can define connections as follows:
Connection | Description |
connectionDefinitions | Defines connections over which client applications can execute sql data service requests to external data. |
dataSourceConnectionDefinition | Defines a J2EE DataSource from which clients can obtain connections. A J2EE DataSource allows applications to leverage native driver connection pooling available through the JDBC optional javax.sql package. |
A connectionDefinition tag includes the following attributes and child elements:
Eelement | Type | Description |
driver | Attribute | Specifies the driver class to use for this connection. |
id | Attribute | Specifies an ID by which to identify this connection. |
url | Attribute | A URL to the database that this connection accesses in the form jdbc:subprotocol:subname. |
properties | Child | Specifies a list of properties for this connection. Child element: |
For example:
<connectionDefinition id="engineering" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://dgnc/engineering"> <properties> <property name="user">Ron</property> <property name="password">77$Lo</property> </properties> </connectionDefinition>
A dataSourceConnectionDefinition tag includes the following attributes:
Eelement | Type | Description |
id | Attribute | Specifies an ID by which to identify this connection. |
name | Attribute | The name of the dataSource resource to look up. For example: java:comp/env/jdbc/SalesDB |
password | Attribute | The password required to establish a connection with this datasource. |
username | Attribute | The username required to establish a connection with this datasource. |
For example:
<dataSourceConnectionDefinition id="support" name="java:comp/env/jdbc/SalesDB" password="P3aCh" username="BLame"> </dataSourceConnectionDefinition>
Defining statementHandlerDefinitions
You can define statement handlers to process the results of SQL statements after a statement has executed.
You define statement handlers in the statementHandlerDefinitions section using the statementHandlerDefinition tag.
The statementHandlerDefinition tag includes the following attributes:
Eelement | Type | Description |
class | Attribute | Specifies the implementing class. |
default | Attribute | Specifies whether all SQL statements use this statementHandlerDefinition as the default, if the statement does not inlcude any other statementHandlerDefinitions. True or false. True = Use this statementHandlerDefinition as the default. |
id | Attribute | Specifies a unique ID by which to identify this statementHandlerDefinition. |
For example:
<statementHandlerDefinitions> <statementHandlerDefinition class="statementHandler" default="false" id="NoItalics"/> <statementHandlerDefinition class="statementHandler" default="true" id="LowCase"/> </statementHandlerDefinitions>
Defining statementDefinitions
You can define SQL statements in the nexaweb-sql. xml configuration file to make them available on the server. You can then reference these in dataRequestDefinitions defined in the nexaweb-data.xml file.
You create statementDefinitions in the statementDefinitions section of the nexaweb-sql.xml configuration file.
The SQL data service offers the following types of sql statements:
Tag | Description |
<sqlStatement> | Specifies a generic sql statement, which contains a string to execute against a specified connection. |
<sqlSelect> | Specifies a simple syntax for making a query to a single table over a specified connection. |
<sqlUpdate> | Specifies a simple syntax for making an update to a single table over a specified connection. |
<sqlInsert> | Specifies a simple syntax for making a row insert to a single table over a specified connection. |
<sqlDelete> | Specifies a simple syntax for deleting rows from a single table over a specified connection. |
A statementDefinition includes the following elements:
Eelement | Type | Description | Statement Type | Required/Optional |
<connectionId> | Attribute | The ID of the connectionDefinition to use to execute the statement against. | All | Required |
<id> | Attribute | Specifies an ID by which to identify this statementDefinition. | All | Required |
<statementHandlerId> | Attribute | The ID of a statementHandler to use for processing the statement after successful execution. If none specified, the data service uses the default statement handler. | All | Optional |
<statement> | Attribute | The statement to execute. | <sqlStatement> | Required |
<table> | Child | Specifies the table from which the statement retrieves or updates rows. | <sqlSelect>, <sqlUpdate>, <sqlInsert>, <sqlDelete> | Optional |
<columns> | Child | Specifies the columns to retrieve or update. If none specified, retrieves or updates all columns. | <sqlSelect>, <sqlUpdate>, <sqlInsert> | Optional |
<where> | Child | Clause identifying the rows to retrieve or update. | <sqlSelect>, <sqlUpdate>, <sqlDelete> | Optional |
Using SQL Data Sources in a serviceRequest
You can specify a SQL statement to use in a data request in any of the following ways:
Location | Description |
nexaweb-sql.xml | Specify the statement in the statementDefinitions section of the server side nexaweb-sql.xml configuration file. Then reference it in a serviceResourceReference of a dataRequestDefinition in the nexaweb-data.xml file. (Finally, reference the dataRequestDefinition in a serviceRequest in the client UI file.) |
nexaweb-data.xml | Specify a statement in a serviceResourceDefintion of a dataRequestDefinition in the nexaweb-data.xml file. (Then reference the dataRequestDefinition in a serviceRequest in the client UI file.) |
Client UI | Specify a statement in an embeddedServiceRequest directly in the client UI file. |
Client Side Data Request Plug-in Examples
The following examples demonstrate the two ways that you can define an SQL statement in a UI file.
In-line Example
<dr:dataRequest id="getDepartmentRequest" target="dataSource://myDocumentSource" xmlns:dr="http://nexaweb/com/dataService/request"> <ds:dataRequestDefinition xmlns:ds="http://nexaweb/com/dataService"> <ds:dataServiceRequest> <jdbc:jdbcStatement connectionId="engineering" xmlns:jdbc="http://nexaweb/com/dataService/jdbc"> <jdbc:statement> SELECT * FROM department where dept={0} </jdbc:statement> </ jdbc:jdbcStatement> </ds:dataServiceRequest> </ds:dataRequestDefinition> </dr:dataRequest>
Shortcut Example
The following example of defining an SQL statement in a cient UI file is equivalent to the preceding In-line example.
<jdbc:jdbcStatement id="getDepartmentRequest" connectionId="engineering" target="dataSource://myDocumentSource" xmlns:jdbc="http://nexaweb/com/dataService/jdbc"> <statement>SELECT * FROM department where dept={0}</statement> </jdbc:jdbcStatement> <jdbcService xmlns=> <connectionDefinitions> <connectionDefinition id="engineering" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://dgnco/engineering"> <properties> <property name="user">venutian</property> <property name="password">venutian</property> </properties> </connectionDefinition> <connectionDefinition id="salesdata" driver="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" url="jdbc:mysql://dgnco/sales?user=venutian&password=venutian"/> </connectionDefinitions> <statementHandlerDefinitions> </statementHandlerDefinitions> <statementDefinitions> <sqlStatement id="getCustomers" connectionId="salesdata"> <statement>select * from customers</statement> </jdbcStatement> </statementDefinitions> </jdbcService>