Nexaweb Studio

Nexaweb Studio

Nexaweb Studio is an Eclipse-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for visual design and development of Nexaweb applications.

Nexaweb Studio allows you to create Enterprise Web 2.0 applications that embrace a wide range of technologies - for user interface, business logic and data binding - across both client and server tiers.
And it manages all these components across the entire software lifecycle - design, development, deployment and maintenance.

Nexaweb Studio and Eclipse

Nexaweb Studio consists of a set of plug-ins that tightly integrate with the Eclipse framework that
support development of Java, Ajax and XML and the ability to make use of the leading Open Source projects including Apache XAP (currently in incubation), Apache Tomcat, Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP), Eclipse Ajax Toolkit Foundation (ATF) and Subversion source code control.

Nexaweb Studio has full suport for the Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) plugins.

The Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) extends the Eclipse platform with tools for developing J2EE
Web applications.

The WTP includes:

  • Source editors for:
    • HTML
    • Javascript
    • CSS
    • JSP
    • SQL
    • XML
    • DTD
    • XSD
    • WSDL
  • Graphical editors for XSD and WSDL
  • J2EE project natures, builders, and models 
  • A J2EE navigator
  • A Web service wizard and explorer
  • WS-I Test Tools
  • Database access and query tools and models.

Nexaweb Studio Functionality

Nexaweb Studio provides a comprehensive widget library from which you can drag and drop widgets
onto a visual editing canvas; declarative data binding and validation framework; and automated debugging and testing features.

Nexaweb Studio adds custom perspectives to the Eclipse workbench for developing Nexaweb
applications. Each perspective includes associated views to provide a specific set of functionality for application design and development.

The Nexaweb studio perspectives include: 

NexawebOrganizes the workspace with views and File menu items related to developing Nexaweb Ajax and Java applications.
Nexaweb Welcome

Default perspective in Nexaweb Studio that opens the first time you run Nexaweb Studio and provides some quick links for you to get started using Nexaweb Studio.

DataOrganizes the workspace with views and File menu items related to adding data to your Nexaweb applications.


Organizes the workspace with views and context (right-click) menu items related to adding validators to your client UI. (Nexaweb Java projects only.)
Java Plug-inOrganizes the workspace with views and File menu items related to aiding you in developing Java plug-ins for your Nexaweb applications. (Nexaweb Java projects only.)

The Nexaweb Studio perspectives include the following views:


Provides drawers containing various Nexaweb widgets for visually designing the UI that you can drag and drop from the Palette onto the UI file in the Visual Editor.

NavigatorDisplays Nexaweb application project files in a tree format.
OutlineDisplays the components of the active UI file in a tree format.


Displays the properties of the selected component in the UI file and allows you to edit the properties.
ServersAllows you to configure run-time servers to use for developing the application.
PackageDisplays the Java element hierarchy of your project.
DataDisplays dataservice and datasource resources.
Data Source ExplorerAllows you to configure datasources for the project and displays the configured datasources.
Validators(Java projects only.) Displays validator resources and configured validators.

In addition to the Visual Editor, Nexaweb Studio includes a Source editor, which allows you to view and directly edit the source code that defines your application UI files appearance and behavior. 

Nexaweb Studio also provides resource development through wizards that step you through the process of creating application behavior in Nexaweb Managed Client Objects (MCOs), Macros and to create and manage events.