Custom system service
This document describes how to create your own system service for a Nexaweb Java application.
The major steps to create your own system service include the following:
- Get ClientSession.
- Get SystemContainer.
- Construct the new system service object.
- Add new system service object to the SystemContainer.
Getting ClientSession
Nexaweb recommends using AbstractMCO as the base class for a system service.
To get the ClientSession from the AbstractMCO class use:
Getting SystemContainer
To get the SystemContainer use:
Constructing Object
To construct a new system service object specify a line similar to the following:
MySystemService myService = new MySystemService(); . . .
Adding Object to Container
To add the system service object to the SystemContainer specify a line similar to the following:
SystemContainer.put("myServiceName", myService);
Putting It Together
import AbstractMCO getSession() getSystemContainer() MySystemService myService = new MySystemService(); . . . SystemContainer.put("myServiceName", myService);
Calling SystemContainer From UI
To call a SystemContainer from an event handler in the UI, you specify, for example:
<button text="Call service test method" onCommand="myServiceName.test()" />
Note: Since the system service object is in a top-level container, you do not need to use mco: to call it.