Drop shadow

Drop shadow

Requires Platform 4.5+

Nexaweb 4.5 now displays the following Nexaweb UI components in your application UI with shadows by default:

  • Windows
  • Dialog boxes
  • Pop-ups
  • Tooltips

 The default Nexaweb application stylesheet defines component shadow through the following parameters: 

Component PropertyDescription
dropShadowOffsetSpecifies the size of the shadow in number of pixels. Nexaweb draws the shadow to the right and along the bottom of the component. The offset specifies how many number of pixels to the right of the component and from the bottom of the component for Nexaweb to draw the shadow. The default Nexaweb application stylesheet specifies the offset at 20 pixels.


Specifies the shadow color in RGB color code. The default Nexaweb application stylesheet specifies a shadow color of: 707070.

You can change the default dropShadowOffset or dropShadowColor properties for all components by editing thedropShadowOffset and dropShadowColor parameters in the default Nexaweb application stylesheet.

In addition, you can customize the appearance of the shadow for individual components by specifying values for the dropShadow properties where the component definition appears in your UI application file. Specify dropShadow properties as follows:


Where 40 is the size of the shadow offset in number of pixels.


where 150150150 specifies a color in RGB color code .