Widgets List
Widgets List
Nexaweb Java Application Widgets
The following tables list the widgets that Nexaweb provides for Java application UI development.
Basic Widgets
button |
checkBox |
comboBox |
label |
link |
listBox |
passwordField |
radioButton |
horizontalSlider |
verticalSlider |
textArea |
textField |
textView |
Menus and Toolbars
menuBar |
menu |
menuItem |
popupMenu |
horizontalSeparator |
verticalSeparator |
horizontalToolbar |
verticalToolbar |
Trees and Tables
table |
tree |
treeTable |
Global Widgets
linearGradient |
popup |
Basic Containers and Layout Panes
borderPane |
horizontalBoxPane |
verticalBoxPane |
cardPane |
desktopPane |
freePane |
horizontalFlowPane |
verticalFlowPane |
gridPane |
scrollPane |
horizontalSplitPane |
verticalSplitPane |
tabPane |
Floating Containers (Windows)
dialog |
messageDialog |
window |
Root Elements
rootPane |
defs |