

Requires Platform 4.5+

Validating Client Input Data

In Nexaweb 4.5, you can declaratively create logic to validate data that users input to fields on the client user interface.

Nexaweb 4.5 provides this functionality through the validator plug-in framework through the com.nexaweb.plugin.validation.validators.Validator class.

The validator plug-in framework provides the following validator tags, in addition to the ability for you to extend the Validator class by creating your own tags: 

requiredFieldValidatorValidates whether a field contains any data.


Validates whether a field contains data of the specified length.


Validates whether a field contains valid whole numbers (integers). This validates based on amount of data entered.


Validates whether a field contains decimal numbers.


Validates whether a field contains the specified range of integers or decimal numbers. This validates based on actual values of data entered.


Validates whether a field contains a date in the specified format.


Validates whether a field contains decimal numbers and contains the specified prefix (for currency type).

In addition to the supplied validators, you can also create:

Validator elementDescription
Validator chainThat defines a series of validators to run on the same or different fields in a UI file.

Validator reference

Allows you to refer to an existing validator without specifying the entire validator declaration. Use validator references to refer to a validator in an validator chain.


 Using Validators

This section provides an overview of how to use validators in your client application's UI.

Using validators requires the following major steps:

  • Declare validator
  • Define element to validate
  • Create and specify the onSuccess MCO to run
  • Create and specify the onFailure MCO to run
  • Invoke validator on event in UI File 

Declare validator

Declare each validator outside the rootpane of the application UI file.

To use the same validator type for multiple fields in a UI file, declare unique validators for each field to provide a unique message to the user through the OnSuccess and OnFailure event for each field.

Define element to validate

Determine the element in your UI that you want to validate and define it in the value attribute of the validator.

Create and specify the onSuccess event to run

Create an MCO or Macro that executes whatever task you want the UI to perform upon successful validation, for example to display a success message.

Create and specify the onFailure event to run

Create an MCO or Macro that executes whatever task you want the UI to perform upon failed validation, for example to display a failed message.

Invoke validator on event in UI File

In the rootpane of the UI file, specify the command to invoke a declared validator on an event for the field to validate.

For example, onTextChange=“validator://balanceValidator.execute()” .


Declaring Validators

You declare validators outside the rootpane of a UI file using the following basic structure:

<validator:stringLengthValidator xmlns="http://nexaweb.com/validator"
  id="passwordValidator" value="password.text"
  onFailure="mco://myMco.invalidPassword()" />
Validator Tag ElementDescription
id=“passwordValidator”Specifies a unique ID for this instance of this type of validator.


Specifies the ID of a textField or passwordField in the UI file and the text attribute of the field to validate.


Specifies the MCO or Macro to run - for example, to display a success message - upon successful validation.


Specifies the MCO or Macro to run - for example, to display a failed message - upon unsuccessful validation.

Note: See Supplied Validators for a complete list of all attributes available for each validator.

Define Element to Validate

As validators provide a means for your UI to validate user input, you primarily invoke validators on textField or passwordField elements.

To define elements to validate, you must specify the following attributes for the element to validate:

textField AttributeDescription
id=" "Specifies a unique ID for this textField element.

text=" "

Specifies the attribute by which the Nexaweb client reads user-supplied text.

For example:

<textField id="startDate" text="" /> 

In addition to specifying these textField element attributes, you can also specify in your textField element tag the textField event on which to invoke the validator. See the section in this document on Invoking Validators.

To complete the element definition, you must identify this textField in the value attribute of the declaration of the validator you want to invoke. See the Declaring Validators section of this document. 

Create and Specify the onSuccess and onFailure Events to Run

If you wish to display a message or some feedback to the user to reflect the success or failure of the validation of an element, you must peform the following major steps:

  • Create an MCO or Macro to handle this event
  • Declare the MCO or Marco in the UI file that includes the validator
  • Invoke the MCO or Marco from the validator's onSuccess and/or onFailure attributes

For example:

<mco:declarations xmlns:mco="http://nexaweb.com/mco">
    <mco:mco id="loginMco" src="mcos.LoginMco"
  <nxml xmlns:validator="http://nexaweb.com/validator">
    <validator:requiredFieldValidator id="usernameValidator" 
     value="username.text" onSuccess="" 
     onFailure="macro://failureMacro.execute('Username required')" />
    <validator:requiredFieldValidator id="passwordValidator" 
     value="password.text" onSuccess="mco://loginMco.enableLogInButton()" 
     onFailure="macro://failureMacro.execute('Password required')" />
  <dialog id="loginDialog" title="Login" modal="true" closable="false">
    <flowLayout />
    <label text="Username:" />
    <textField id="username" text="" focused="true" 
     onTextChange="validator://usernameValidator.execute()" />
    <label text="Password:" />
    <passwordField id="password" text="" 
     onTextChange="validator://passwordValidator.execute()" />
    <button text="Log In" enabled="false" onCommand="mco://loginMco.login()" />

Invoking Validator on Event in UI File

To invoke a validator, specify the following command as the value of an element event handler:


where usernameValidator specifies the name of the defined validator tag to invoke.

You can invoke a validator on any valid event handler for the textField or passwordField elements.

For example:

  <textField id="username" text="" />
  <passwordField id="password" text="" />
  <button text="Login" onCommand="validator://loginValidator.execute()"/>

Putting It All Together

The following annotated example shows the use of a validator in a UI file. 

 <!-- 1 --> 
<mco:declarations xmlns:mco="http://nexaweb.com/mco">
  <mco:mco id="loginMco" src="mcos.LoginMco">

<!-- 2 --> 
<nxml xmlns:validator="http://nexaweb.com/validator">
  <validator:requiredFieldValidator <!-- 3--> id="usernameValidator" 
<!-- 4--> value="username.text" onSuccess=""
<!-- 5 --> onFailure="macro://failureMacro.execute('Username required')"/>
  validator:requiredFieldValidator id="passwordValidator" 
  value="password.text" onSuccess="mco://loginMco.enableLogInButton()" 
  onFailure="macro://failureMacro.execute('Password required')" />

<dialog id="loginDialog" title="Login" modal="true" closable="false">
  <flowLayout />
  <label text="Username:" />
  <textField <!-- 6-->id="username" text="" focused="true" 
<!-- 7 --> onTextChange="validator://usernameValidator.execute()" />
  <label text="Password:" />
  <passwordField id="password" text="" onTextChange="validator://passwordValidator.execute()" />
  <button text="Log In" enabled="false" onCommand="mco://loginMco.login()" />
1Declares MCO to handle validator onSuccess event to display message to user on successful validation of login.

Declares validators in UI File. This example declares two required field validators, one for the textField with an ID of username, and one for the passwordField with ID of password.

3Specifies the unique ID of the UI element to validate.
4The value validator attribute specifies the ID and text attributes of the element  to validate.
5Specifies the onFailure event to run for this validator. The onFailure event is defined by the loginMco MCO.
6Specifies a unique ID for the UI element that you want to validate.
7Specifies the UI element event that invokes the validator.