

Nexaweb License File

The Nexaweb license file is an XML file that provides the Nexaweb Platform with information on which services are enabled. To install the license, place the file in the "application\WEB-INF" directory.  It should be named "nexaweb-license.xml" 

A license file should be provided with purchase of the Nexaweb Platform.  Contact Nexaweb Support for more information.

Configuration Files

Nexaweb configuration files are in XML format.  Values are selected as XPath queries. Nexaweb Platform configuration involves the following configuration files:

nexaweb-server.xml Contains settings to configure Nexaweb Server such as the Nexaweb Server resource pool configurations, the server logging configuration, and clustering configuration. (View)
nexaweb-client.xmlContains settings to configure Nexaweb Clients such as settings for customizing the splash screen displayed when a client is launched, the client classpath, and the settings that determine which clients establish a PushConnection. (View) 
nexaweb-license.xmlNexaweb License file.

(see above for more details)

For detailed information on all available settings in the client and server configuration files, check the example XML files. 

Where are they read?

All configuration files are read by Nexaweb Server, including the client configuration. The client gets its configuration from the server through applet parameters.

Number of Files

Nexaweb allows two versions of each file:

Localapplication\WEB-INFApplies to specific Nexaweb application.
Cross-applicationOn application server with location specified in application server system properties.

Applies to all Nexaweb applications running on same application server. Specifies shared configuration parameter values for mutliple Nexaweb applications running on same application server. You must specify the location of the cross-application configuration file in Java System properties.

For example:



Because Nexaweb allows multiple versions of your configuration files, you cannot see the complete configuration of your application's client or server in one single file.

Creating Cross-Application Nexaweb Configuration File

A cross-application configuration file allows you to specify configuration parameters setting shared by different Nexaweb applications running on the same application server.

To create cross-application configurations for Nexaweb applications, follow these steps:

  1. Modify a copy of the nexaweb-server.xml and\or nexaweb-client.xml files to contain the configuration values shared by your Nexaweb applications. For example, specify a shared value for the Logging Configuration parameters.
  2. Copy the Nexaweb configuration files to a local directory on the application server. 
  3. Specify the path to the Nexaweb configuration files in the system properties of your application server.
    For example, specify the following at a command line:


Note: For some application servers, you specify system properties through its management interface. See your application server's documentation for information on how to set system properties.

How Nexaweb Processes Configuration Information

Nexaweb scans configuration files for configuration settings in the following order:

  1. Nexaweb looks for Nexaweb application configuration settings in configuration files local to application (WEB-INF).
  2. If Nexaweb does not find specific settings in local files or does not find local files, Nexaweb looks in any available cross-application configuration files.
  3. If Nexaweb does not find specific settings in cross-application files or does not find cross-application files, Nexaweb uses Nexaweb built-in default configuration settings.

The following example illustrates the use of cross-application configuration files.

This example assumes that a Large National Bank (LNB) has three Nexaweb applications deployed on the same application server, National BankingRegional Banking and Investing. When Nexaweb Server writes the HTML page containing the applet tag, it must include the window title. Since the value of the window title affects the client, it is configured in the client configuration. The server selects the window title from the client configuration using the XPath /client-app/launch-configuration/window-title. The National BankingRegional Banking and Investing applications have the following client configurations:   Investing application’s local client configuration:

 <window-title>LNB Investing</window-title>

National Banking application’s local client configuration:

<client-app />

Regional Banking application’s local client configuration:

<client-app /> 

The window title for the Investing application displays as Investing because the local configuration specifies it. However, the window titles for the National Banking and Regional Banking applications display as Welcome To Nexaweb since that is the value specified in Nexaweb’s default configuration file.
  Since LNB wants the same title for both the National Banking and Regional Banking applications, they want to specify the value in one place, since they don’t want to have to re-manufacture the applications’ WAR files with new configurations. To do this, LNB adds the following cross-application client configuration:

 <window-title>LNB - Iowa City, Iowa.</window-title>


All configuration files are read by Nexaweb Server, including the client configuration. The client gets its configuration from the server through applet parameters.