1.4.5(May 2022)
The following defects are resolved in this build.
Add feature to sign .nexaweb files with a user key pair | |
Proxy authentication fails in customer environment using Nexaweb Launcher 1.4.3. | |
Allow proxy information to be re-entered if proxy authentication fails. | |
Improvements regarding the original data of the signature target(Parameters of .nexaweb file can be overwritten) | |
NXPSR-11258 | Cookie is not inherited when accessing from getdown |
NXPSR-11260 | Launcher makes an unnecessary request to getdown.txt |
NXPSR-11261 | The request from ClientClassLoader does not contain cookies. |
When using Nexaweb Launcher, there are requests for unnecessary class files. | |
Should only use proxy if the direct connection fails. | |
[Compatibility] Nexaweb Launcher 1.4.4 has a different priority for the JVM used by the Standalone Client. | |
NXPSR-11270 | Proxy.txt file is not removed when uninstalling Nexaweb launcher. |
Launcher application does not start when there is issue with getting java version with win32 | |
NXPSR-11274 | [Compatibility] Launcher 1.4.5, need to work on platform 4.5.70 -72 versions |
NXPSR-11247: Add feature to sign .nexaweb files with a user key pair
A security feature (NXPSR-11241) was added to Nexaweb Launcher 1.4.3 where users had no option to provide key pairs for signature verification. With this enhancement, user can provide their own key pairs in nexaweb-client.xml using <sign_key-configuration>
<!--Class to provide sign key for .nexaweb. Replace with your own implementation,you can implement this interface com.nexaweb.util.GenerateSignKey in server. -->
<generate-key class="com.nexaweb.server.util.GenerateSignKeyImpl"/>
For more detail, refer following document.
Note: Requires platform 4.5.73 or higher
NXPSR-11255: Proxy authentication fails in customer environment using Nexaweb Launcher 1.4.3.
In Launcher we can get proxy server information via proxy dialog, launcher set the proxy auth to request header – which is needed from the proxy server.
With this fix – transfer proxy information to nexaweb application and support proxy auth in nexaweb application also.
Note: Requires platform 4.5.73 or higher
NXPSR-11256: Allow proxy information to be re-entered if proxy authentication fails.
When proxy information is entered, it stored in "proxy.txt" and "auth.bin" files and will be used next time application launches. However, if the information stored in "proxy.txt" is incorrect, or if the proxy server is temporarily unavailable, the proxy information dialog is not displayed again. Instead unknown error message dialog is displayed. With this feature, it will allow to re-enter proxy information if authentication fails. If proxy server and port fields are empty, it will make a direct connection and deletes proxy.txt and auth.bin.
NXPSR-11257: Improvements regarding the original data of the signature target(Parameters of .nexaweb file can be overwritten)
This is an improvement on NXPSR-11241. Signature verification prevents tampering with .nexaweb file if you modify existing data. However application runs without any signature verification error if any parameters are added at the end of .nexaweb file after -sign parameter or any parameters added by runNexaweb.jsp are modified. Signature verification has been improved to display error message if any there are any modification to the .nexaweb file.
Note: Requires platform 4.5.73 or higher
NXPSR-11264: When using Nexaweb Launcher, there are requests for unnecessary class files.
Launcher makes requests to "DefaultJvmDetector.class", "LogToFile.class",“default.class” which are unnecessary.
NXPSR-11265: Should only use proxy if the DIRECT connection fails.
If proxy information is set in the windows registry, Nexaweb launcher will try to connect the server using proxy information. If proxy server is not required, the only way to make direct connection is by removing auth.bin and proxy configuration. So improvements have been made to attempt connection in following order-
1.) If proxy.txt does not exist, launcher will try direct connection. If it fails, it will try to get the proxy information from registry and connect to the server. If that fails, it will popup proxy dialog.
2.) If proxy.txt exists, launcher will try to connect server using proxy information. If connection fails, it will popup proxy dialog and with host and port info from proxy.txt
A direct connection to be attempted if fields in the proxy dialog are empty. After successful direct connection, proxy.txt is removed. After successful proxy connection, information is saved in proxy.txt.
NXPSR-11266: [Compatibility] Nexaweb Launcher 1.4.4 has a different priority for the JVM used by the Standalone Client.
NXPSR-11250 changed the priority of JVM - jvm bundled with nexaweb launcher had higher priority than the system jre which caused compatibility issue.
JVM is used in following order:
1. Local java path
2. Custom JVM/Private JVM
3. System JRE
4. JVM Bundled with Nexaweb Launcher
NXPSR-11272: Launcher application does not start when there is issue with getting java version with win32
When there any issues getting the java version required to launch application, application does not start and no error message is logged.
For eg.
Read file [Error: Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'\CurrentVersion'
has value '1.8', but '1.7' is required.
Error: could not find java.dll
Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment.
With this fix, error is logged and bundled jre is used to launch the application.