3.0.1 (Jan 2007)

3.0.1 (Jan 2007)

Improved Project Creation:
Performance improvements for creating Ajax Projects, improved usability of Application Overview pages, and streamlined project creation for all project types.
Improved Team Development:
Projects Created in Studio 3.0.1, checked into SVN or CVS are now properly upgraded and updated when checked out into a Studio 3.0.1 workspace.
Improved Data Services Support:
Fixed many defects and improved usability ofwizards which provide support for Platform 4.5 data services.

Defects Resolved:

3750becomes grey onMouseOver when server is not running after deleting bgColor attribute
5233web tools 1.0 - New Dynamic Nexaweb Projects add a facet by default rather than the Dynamic Nexaweb Project facet
6061Data wizard: Can't create nested iterators through the create iterator wizard started in the dataView
6088DataView: Can create multiple sources, bindings, iterators, formatters, and chain formatters using a single id multiple times
6169Data View: On first open of the data view there are a few extra buttons in the right hand corner from the properties view
6182Project facet change wizard in a existing project's properties won't let you go back to change values to good vlaues if bad ones are selected.
6296java (alternate server) project creation wizard does not open the application overview page for java (alternate server) projects
6532Studio: Adding one of the exceptable components to a defs element in an nxml file in studio will add them to the end of the file
6549project plugins: Studio dataFramework: Dragging in dataFramework object from the project plugins drawer adds in source to the wrong place in your nxml file
6566Studio Validation wizard: trim attribute shopuld have a drop down with the choices available
6569Studio: Can't pass values to a macro, when an existing handler has been specified
6601Studio Java visual editor: Border of a button doesn't appear right away
6683Run --> Nexaweb Server Management Console with server stopped, still allows a request to go through and fail
6712UI screen doesn't show up properly when you switch the perspective from Ajax to Java.
6716Updating the UI when BorderLayout position is changed in the properties
6723Modifying attribute values using Properties wizard are not comitted to the underlying file
6761Visual Editor: attribute "id" is not restored when undo
6770Create Service Request Wizard not working with AJAX project
6771x, y values in the properties editor are ignored if we click the UI in the VE
6777Studio: SQL statement Wizard: can't remove columns
6820Studio: serviceRequest wizard - Target cannot detect defined dataSources
6825Studio: serviceRequest Wizard - new request IDs are not incremented
6827Studio: serviceRequest wizard - new target option produces depricated syntax
6829Studio: serviceRequest Wizard - embeddedServiceRequest description could be better
6830Studio VE: Different XAL markup if you drag in a component, or if you right-click then insert a component in VE.
6836Studio: dataView - IllegalArgumentException when connecting to document DS with out source
6837Studio: when I create a new jsp via the event wizard it gets created with nxml markup instead of xal.
6839Studio: DataView: Iterator root context menu should have create Iterator option
6921Studio: Ajax VE: remove verticalFlowPane from palette
6929Studio VE: New nxml files has xal icon.
6947XAL Layout Pane Template Namespaces Are incorrect For Ajax Projects
6957Studio: ajax perspective - remove chart dialog from templates
6958Studio UI templates need to be translated to xal.
7003Don't Display Server Dialog For Ajax Project If Server Configured
7013Studio New Project Wizard: Hitting back, make some small change, then proceed with next will un-check all of the project facets.
7032Studio: create launch configuration whenever launch ajax application
7043Studio: dataService wizard places dataservice elements at the end of xal document
7047Studio: Java Class wizard errors and throws exception
7050auto build gets disabled by project creation wizard
7051Studio: NullPointer exception in package explorer view
7058Macro wizard help text is incorrect - double quotes can not be used
7066Studio event wizard: creating a new MCO event handler through the event wizard brings you to a blank screen.
7083Macro Wizard shows outdated syntax for the select attribute
7102Studio: Data View:Insert Iterator throws NullPointerException
7109Studio: ServiceRequest Wizard - NullPointerException on SqlStatement creation form