6.0 (Feb 2013)

6.0 (Feb 2013)


The new Nexaweb Studio 6.0 has several improvements over previous versions. Major components have been upgraded to recent versions. Several issues have been resolved which were found in different versions of Windows and Linux.



The following components have been upgraded:

  • Eclipse: 4.2.0
  • Java Development Toolkit (JDT): 3.8.0
  • Graphical Editing Framework (GEF): 3.8.0
  • Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF): 2.8.0
  • Eclipse Data Tools Platform (DTP): 1.10.0
  • Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP): 3.4.0
  • Subversion plugin: 1.8.16
  • Oxygen plugin: 14.1.0
  • Tomcat: 7.0.23
  • Java: 1.7.03

Other Changes

Added the following component:

  • EGit plugin: 2.1.0


Defects Resolved

NXPSR-11064Studio - update the copyright date to 2013

Themes can't be set in the Studio 6


Add the plugin Git into the Studio 6

NXPSR-11041Upgrade Studio 5.3 to 6.0
NXPSR-11040Can not open the xal file

Upgrade to Subversion plugin 1.8.16

NXPSR-11038Upgrade to Eclipse 4.2
NXPSR-11037Upgrade bundled tomcat to Tomcat 7
NXPSR-11036Upgrade to latest Oxygen
NXPSR-11035Support for Tomcat 7
NXPSR-11034Support Java7