onDrag Parameters

onDrag Parameters

A new parameter dragIdList allows your Nexaweb Java applications to track a list of the IDs of all components being dragged. Prior to the existence of this parameter, the dragId parameter tracked only the ID of the first component selected for any group of components that were dragged.

The following components, which support multi-drag, support this new parameter:

  • listBox
  • row (element of table)
  • table
  • menu
  • menuItem
  • comboBox
  • verticalToolbar
  • horizontalToobar
  • tree
  • treeTable

In addition, the component's draggable parameter must be set to true and the component to which you drag it must have the droppable parameter set to true.

Nexaweb applications set values for the dragIdList parameter for the following events:

  • onDragStart
  • onDragEnd
  • onDragDrop

The value of the dragIdList parameter is a comma delimited list of IDs of the components being dragged. Components are stored in the list in the order in which they are selected.