4.2.17 (Feb 2008)

4.2.17 (Feb 2008)

treeTable now supports sortDepth
It is now possible to choose a specific nested row to sort by using the new "sortDepth" attribute. Possible sortDepth values are -1, 0, and all positive integers (1, 2, 3, ..). Default value is 0.

  • -1: sorts all rows in the column regardless of nesting level
  • 0: default value - only parent rows are sorted
  • 1-n: only children at that level are sorted

Defects Resolved

8311712-4786901 - ComboBox popup does not resize correctly when listBox contents are dynamically changed
8393712-4788520 - Allow sub-node (nested rows) sorting in a treeTable
9052If a scroll bar is moved on the application which runs by a multithread, Nexaweb Client will freeze