4.5.12 (Feb 2008)

4.5.12 (Feb 2008)

Java Improvements

treeTable now supports sortDepth
It is now possible to choose a specific nested row to sort by using the new "sortDepth" attribute. Possible sortDepth values are -1, 0, and all positive integers (1, 2, 3, ..).  Default value is 0.

  • -1: sorts all rows in the column regardless of nesting level
  • 0: default value - only parent rows are sorted
  • 1-n: only children at that level are sorted

Notes on Java Fixes

8476 712-4909498 - Value attribute of comboBox column editor in table is not submitted to cell  

Null propagation is handled in the following ways.

The following represents a list item from a comboBox column editor that will submit it's value and text attribute to the cell in a table. 



<cell text="foo" value="0"/>


<cell text=""/>

Note the following behavior from our example above:

1.) null value attribute of list item IS transferred to cell (i.e., cell loses its value attribute); 2.) null text attribute of list item is NOT transferred to cell (i.e., cell text changes from text="foo" to text=""). Cell will ALWAYS receive a text attribute from list item, even when list item does not have a text value explicitly set.

8972 712-5273851 - Backslash "\" should not throw an Escape Syntax in textArea

This issue was fixed in the context of data binding only. For example, data binding text in an xml document containing "\" to a text field or text area will NOT throw an exception. However, there are still two uses in which "\" will still throw an exception.

1. Using backslash “\” in an explicit text declaration of text field or in the child text node of text area WILL still throw an exception, in which case escape syntax “\\” still needs to be used

Trap to Avoid

The backslash will still throw exceptions when used in XInclude, XUpdate, XModify, and Macros.  To work around this in scenarios where a backslash is necessary, you can use an MCO to and invoke com.nexaweb.client.resolver.ResolutionHandler (see JavaDoc for more info).

Defects Resolved (Java)

8393712-4788520 - Allow sub-node (nested rows) sorting in a treeTable
8476712-4909498 - Value attribute of comboBox column editor in table is not submitted to cell
8838712-5100529 - Selected last row is hidden behind the footer row
8972712-5273851 - Backslash "\" in textArea and textField throws exception
9009onContextMenu and popup do not show up over table when onStateChange makes a server request
9010Popups appear at incorrect position over widgets when onMouseDown makes a server request
9015ComboBox does not set the "value" attribute correctly
9065712-5515645 - Debug messages show in client console


Notes on Ajax Fixes

Several Character Encoding issues have been resolved in this release. 



Trap to Avoid

Nexaweb Server requires UTF-8 encoding be used.  If a localized character set is used, it must first be converted to UTF-8.

Defects Resolved (Ajax)

9028712-5415780 - Images in tab are not getting displayed at runtime
9067712-5512696 - image attribute in cells do not work
9068712-5516529 - cursor attribute of cell does not work
9150Dataservice returns ISO-8859-1 charset instead of UTF-8
9218HttpMultipartRequest.js miscalculates contentLength causing character encoding to be misinterpreted by the server
9219JSP returning XModify with Korean characters in UTF-8 loses encoding on the response on WebLogic