4.5.36 (May 2010)
Installer upgrade
InstallAnywhere has been upgraded to version 2010. Also some unused components are removed so that the installer file is smaller (from 102 MB for 4.5.35 to 77 MB for 4.5.36 for Windows installer).
Hot fix for comboBox onActiveGained event regression
A bug was introduced in 4.5.35 that caused comboBox onActiveGained event to fire when it should not. Specifically if a UI component such as a textFiled has an onActiveLost event that adds a modal dialog, and if a user clicks on a comboBox, the comboBox onActiveGained event fires but it should not. This has been corrected.
Hot fix for vertical lines in gridTable regression
A bug was introduced in 4.5.35 where vertical lines that separate columns draw through cells with rowSpan in gridTable. This regression has been corrected.
New methods added for Test Script API
- getFocusedRootObject for ApplicationScriptObject
When a composite component such as comboBox, textView or textArea has focus, this method returns the top-level UI component. For instance, if the comboBox has focus and the listBox sub-component is expanded, then getFocusedObject method returns ListBoxScriptObject, and getFocusedRootObject returns ComboBoxScriptObject. - getSelectedColumns and getSelectedCells for TableScriptObject
Please note that these methods should be used even if only one item is expected to be returned. TableScriptObject has getSelectedRow and getSelectedRows methods, but currently getSelectedColumn or getSelectedCell is not implemented yet. - setText for TextAreaScriptObject
This is added as an alternative way to set text attribute for textArea. Previously fireKeys method may be used to simulate keyboard input when textArea has focus.
Defects Resolved (Java)
10716 | compatibility: exception occurs when table is used in MSJVM |
10737 | attempt to launch management console with function key F4 fails |
10750 | Test API: ApplicationScriptObject getFocusedObject method may not return the script object that has focus |
10751 | Test API: TableScriptObject getSelectedRows do not retrun the selected rows correctly |
10752 | Test API: TableScriptObject cannot get selection information other than row selection |
10753 | Test API: TextAreaScriptObject cannot set text |
10765 | popup of gridTable is displayed at wrong position |
10767 | onActiveGained should not fire if modal dialog has focus |
10769 | compatibility: vertical line drawn through union cell in gridTable |
10750 Test API: ApplicationScriptObject getFocusedObject method may not return the script object that has focus
When comboBox, textView, link, textArea or gridTable has focus, getFocusedObject or getFocusedRootObject method of ApplicationScriptObject now returns the script object for the focused UI component correctly.
10751 Test API: TableScriptObject getSelectedRows do not retrun the selected rows correctly
The getSelectedRows method had a bug that returned the same RowScriptObject multiple times with multiple selected rows. The behavior has been corrected.
10765 popup of gridTable is displayed at wrong position
When cells under a lockedColumn in a gridTable have a popup and after horizontal scroll in the gridTable, popup did not show up in correct place. It does now.