4.5.22 (Dec 2008)

4.5.22 (Dec 2008)

New attributes autoWrap and autoWrapType for cell element
These attributes enable text in a cell to display on multiple lines.

Em space support added for components with richText="true"
Please note that many font types do not support the Em space character.

Multiple performance enhancements for memory and CPU usage

Trap to Avoid

ClientEvent object is cleared after the event is fired. It is not supported if an application makes an asynchronous call in another thread, attempting to get the ClientEvent object outside of the event that is actually firing. The correct use pattern is to pass the ClientEvent to the worker thread if the object is to be used later.

Defects Resolved

10231add auto wrap feature for cell
10232gridTable: ClassCastException when gridTable rows are removed
10240gridTable: ClassCastException when gridTable rows are removed by MCO
10245gridTable: memory leak when row element is removed on gridTable
10247memory leak occurs when removing widgets from a layout pane
10248gridTable: CPU load high with non-cell widgets are used in footerRow
10249ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when an event for tree element runs replace-children command
10250em space(multi-byte space) cannot be used in richText
10272cell element does not appear selected when its selected attribute is set to true
10278gridTable: when a gridTable has lockedColumn, CPU load may get up to 100% with horizontal scrolling
10284popupMenu display off relative to its parent menu when window is resized
10286onActiveLost event of listBox in comboBox failes to fire
10287menuItem shortcut may not fire