4.5.16 (Jul 2008)

4.5.16 (Jul 2008)

Java Improvements

Lifecycle events added for iterator
An application can now register event handlers on certain iterator lifecycle events. For example, a macro can select a data bound table cell after that cell has been appended to the table by the iterator.
The following attributes have been added to iterator.

  • onIterationStart - This event occurs before the iterator is about to run.
  • onAfterIterationStep - This event occurs after a single iteration step has completed, and the iterator has contributed the subcontent for that step to the ui document, in the target component.
  • onBeforeIterationStep - This event occurs before a single iteration step occurs.
  • onIterationEnd - This event occurs after the iterator completes its run.

Support wait cursor on iterator
A Boolean attribute “showWaitCursor” has been added which determines whether or not the wait cursor is displayed in the UI during the iteration run. Default is set to false.

Also the attribute is stylesheet aware which means you can globally apply “showWaitCursor” attribute to iterator by defining it in the stylesheet.

Character wrap supported by new attribute: autoWrapType
A new attribute, autoWrapType, is added for label-based components such as button, textArea, messageDialg, etc. The values are "word" or "character" with "word" being the default. When the autoWrap attribute is true, autoWrapType determines whether line wrapping is at word boundaries or any character when the text line width exceeds the available space. Please see API for more details.

Defects Resolved (Java)

9982When the combo box is used as a table editor, the selected item of a combo box is not cleared
9964Support wait cursor on iterator
9963When synchronization by a polling request occurs after a user request, ServerDOM does not synchronize
9958The NexawebServletResponseWrapper, setResponse(ServletResponse response) method, does not set ServletResponse
9942Regression: quickEdit table throws NPE when setting the selected attribute of cell in an onCreate
9937If a character is inputted into textArea with "maxLength" attribute by IME
9924Regression: stackOverflow thrown when column editor popup closes
9917When textArea is textEntryMode="overtype", if UNDO is carried out, there is a case where br is displayed
9912Double clicking listItem in comboBox column editor selects table row
9911Support for word and character wrap for text components
9909An invalid applet parameter is set
9898Using a flag, onStateChange event of table is called twice
9850gridTable: "editable" attribute of cell cannot be set up by a style sheet
9785ComboBox editor does not open when cell is highlighted
9705Document font attributes for header
7733712-5434838 - Need life cycle events for data binding and iterator