4.5.24 (Feb 2009)

4.5.24 (Feb 2009)

Trap to Avoid

A critical issue has been reported against this release. It is related to table and listBox state changes incorrectly reporting the selections. Because the problem affects basic operations of selecting a row or listItem, we have issued a hot fix in 4.5.25.


New features (Java)

New scroll buttons for tabPane
When the (browser) window containing a Nexaweb application is resized, some tabs in a tabPane may become invisible, and scroll buttons are displayed for navigating to hidden tabs. The scroll buttons are enhanced: they are bigger, more visible, easier to click on, and independently stylable. They show up on either side within the tabPane(left/right or top/bottom).

  • Resize behavior improvement: When the window is resized, the selected tab always displays. Previously the tabPane always shows the tabs starting from the first tab, and the selected tab may become invisible with window resize.
  • Styling: The class names for scroll buttons are tabButtonLeft, tabButtonRight, tabButtonUp, and tabButtonDown.

New generic bridge
The generic bridge provides a way to greatly simplify bridging and setting object properties.

  • It enables setting any properties on a custom bridge extending GenericContainerBridge class with full support of OGNL expressions
  • It enables creating a new bridge with the new component xal element without any Java code, for any UI component that extends java.awt.Container.
  • Two new xal elements, component and property are added. A new package com.nexaweb.client.bridges.xal.generic is also added. The package contains two classes: GenericComponentBridge and GenericContainerBridge.

Improvements related to next-generation Java plug-in
When Java SE 6 next-generation plug-in is enabled, a modal dialog may flash may times when it is added. The dialog also does not respond to keyboard input. Both issues are addressed.

Element keep-last-client-event added in nexaweb-client.xml
This element indicates whether the last client event fired should remain in memory. It is added to meet requirements of certain legacy applications. The default value is false.

Defects Resolved (Java)

8995712-5302944 - RequestService().openBrowser(url) only takes 1 parameters
10276JRE1.6.0_10 compatibility: modal dialog doesn't respond to keyboard input if the next-generation Java Plug-in is turned on
10290JRE1.6.0_10 compatibility: dialog and the application windows flashes many times when modal dialog is added
10329gridTable compatibility: non-cell widgets do not work correctly with mouse click
10332Nexaweb application cannot be correctly undeployed by an application server
10336gridTable: sorting may occur for a gridTable with union cell elements using rowSpan or colSpan
10351compatibility feature request: do not set ClientEvent to null
10352compatibility: onBeforeActiveLost event should fire when focus moves to Swing widgets from Nexaweb widgets
10353compatibility: widgets may not become disabled when the disabled attribute is changed by MCO
10356synchronization error when ServerDOM synchronization is used on an multithreaded application
10385LogConsumerQueueProcessor thread is not destroyed when Nexaweb application is undeployed
10386scrolling tabPane: scroll button does not continue to the last tab
10387scrolling tabPane: buttons remain even though all tabs are shown
10388scrolling tabPane: display of scroll buttons doesn't seem to be affected by tabOverlap attribute
10389scrolling tabPane: scroll buttons fail to show when tabs are added dynamically
10395scrolling tabPane: disable the corresponding scroll button when the tab at an end is already in display
10401scrolling tabPane: scroll stops even though there are more tabs to show
10404BTH-781049 deadlock due to propertychange in table
10406scrolling tabPane: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with replace-children command
10408compatibility: widgets in horizontalToolBar or verticalToolBar cause exception
10409scrolling tabPane: scroll buttons should show up when a dynamically added tab is shown partially
10411compatibility: exception when column specifies sort attribute
10413compatibility: NPE in com.nexaweb.client.component.treetable.NTableCrossSection.fire11PropertyChange
10416scrolling tabPane: tabs keep moving if tabPane is a child of horizontalFlowPane
10418tooltips on cells within tables do not always position themselves with the mouse
10426scrolling tabPane: scroll buttons may display incorrectly in browser
10427scrolling tabPane: the last tab may not show after it is selected
10429scrolling tabPane: NoSuchMethodError for MS JVM
10431scrolling tabPane: left scroll button disabled when it should be enabled
10432scrolling tabPane: right scroll button enabled when it should be disabled
10433scrolling tabPane: right scroll button disabled when it should be enabled
10437scrolling tabPane: scroll buttons may display in browser even though all tabs are shown