4.5.59 (July 2015)

4.5.59 (July 2015)

The following defects are resolved in this build.


NXPSR-11135When swing-layered-pane is used, keyboard event cannot be hooked when <rootPane> or <desktopPane> have focus

When swing-layered-pane is used, font info of a parent container is not inherited. (Applies to <rootPane> and <desktopPane>.) 

NXPSR-11133Feature Request:  ability to get HttpServletRequest from ServerSessionListener#onSessionCreation  (created ServerSessionListener2

which extends ServerSessionListener interface.)


A message is not re-sent after re-connection of a push connection


Null Pointer at com.nexaweb.nfc.components.Component.getDomLockObject

 NXPRSR-11120   Potential fix for deadlock  on clustered server / fail over.