4.2.9 (Feb 2007)

4.2.9 (Feb 2007)

Enhanced Swing Support
Swing components will now honor the "tabOrder" attribute and pass focus back and forth between Swing and Nexaweb components with some limitations:

  1. Setting the "focused" attribute on a swing component won't do anything.
  2. The events like onActiveLost, trying to veto focus movement, etc, might not work well when mixing swing and normal components.

New DisplayService method: DisplayService.setMessage()
The Java Applet setMessage() method has been exposed to developers through the DisplayService API.  Now it is possible to specify custom messages, removing the Nexaweb Platform Version information which was previously the default applet message.

Row Visibility
Table, tree, and treeTable rows now support visible="true|false" as a possible mechanism to filter or hide the rows currently visible to end users.  DisplayService.getVisualRowIndex() has been updated to support this new functionality (see JavaDoc API)

Defects Resolved

6367712-3062398 Provide the capability to transfer focus to a Swing component via tabbing
6373712-2309702 Provide an API to change the browser's status bar
6447712-3255021 Transparent border line of SVG does not render properly
6514NetServiceExceptionRes.properties file is over-requested
6521712-3342056 NumberFormatException is thrown out when uses IScrollPanePositionChangeListener
6556712-3076706 ListBoxController throws NullPointerException
6633712-3452832 Add support for the visible attribute to row
6634712-3507195 selection gets confused with menu selection
6859712-3605257 Add support for developers to either hide or disable a scrollbar when it is not needed.
6986712-3670424 ComboBox value attribute gets updated in the DOM even if the user cancels selection by pressing Escape or navigating away