4.1.3 (Apr 2006)

4.1.3 (Apr 2006)

Defects Resolved

5503NetService calls can hang with authentication dialog
5507Copy & paste from <passwordField/> provides clear text
5057Behavior of a menu and focus not correct
5177A modal dialog and a scroll bar(scrollbar keeps moving when modal dialog is displayed)
5213Operation by selection and the cursor key of a table row
5282An error with a changed "class" attribute of <menu/>
5215Generating of ConcurrentModificationException by SessionManager#getAllSessions()
5147fontAntiAlias of the caption attribute of a <panel/> element is invalid
5218BackupVerificationTask is not removed from a hash in BackupAssignmentManagerImpl
5217BackupRepositoryManagerImpl.removeSubscribersForSession() exception
5347Desktop client cannot be maximized on startup
5648The highlight of a menu remains after losing focus